Getting Around The Local Area On Foot

Ash Lodge Park is ideally located for those wishing to undertake a range of local trips on foot. Within just a short walk of your new home you will be able to access places including schools, shops, employment opportunities and sports facilities, making it easy to leave the car at home and enjoy all of the benefits that walking has to offer.

To help illustrate the location of a range of nearby destinations we have pulled together this handy map. Clicking on a marker will allow to plan a route from Ash Lodge Park, helping you to understand how long it may take to get around the local area on foot rather than jumping in the car.

Looking to head out on a more leisurely stroll? Ash Lodge Park is perfect for that too. To the south and east of your new home you can gain almost immediate access to the open countryside, intersected by a network of public rights of way and footpaths.

Planning a journey on foot

If you are unfamiliar with the local area and looking to plan a route on foot, an online route planner can be a really useful tool to use. You can enter your journey start point and end point and the website or app will display a number of route options on a handy map. Alongside easy to follow directions it will tell you how far the journey is, how long it will take, and even how hilly it is.

A good tool to use is Google Maps. Simply select the ‘directions’ option, enter your trip start and end point, then be sure to choose the walking icon from the travel options available.

Ramblers UK is a charity that focuses on promoting walking in the UK. Their website allows you to search for local walking routes, groups and events. A great way to discover more of the local area!

Why walk?

It goes without saying that walking has always been a great way of getting around, but the benefits of doing so can often be overlooked. Walking offers many personal benefits, such as improved health and cost savings, but also offers significant benefit to the environment and local community, helping to take cars off the road, reducing pollution and reducing congestion. Have a read of our article on why walking or cycling can benefit more than your health.

For more information on walking routes, groups and resources check out our useful links and resources page.